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Della Stiff, School of Design

Della Stiff, School of Design

Marketing during a crisis of consumerism: how should the past be used in contemporary fashion campaigns?

Do you long for the familiarity of the good old days? Was the past really a simpler time?

British fashion marketing campaigns are tapping into our affection for the past now more than ever. Heritage branding appeals directly to our emotions, making it a powerful tool. In the current crisis of consumerism, how should these links to the past be used in a strategic, yet ethical and sustainable way? And is there a way that heritage branding can be beneficial to not only the profiting brand, but also the consumer and the environment?

Della Stiff profile photoBA Fashion Marketing, Final Year
As a final year student studying Fashion Marketing, my interests lie in the ever-changing consumer landscape that we find ourselves in and the power that branded communications have. The reason I enjoy this subject so much is because of the combination of strategy and creativity that it allows me to explore, and how fast-moving the fashion industry is. Outside of my studies, I’m enjoying my last few months in Leeds before hopefully doing some globe-trotting now that the world has opened up!