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UG Research Resources

These resources have been created specifically to support students in AHC.

Positionality and Research - putting YOU into your research

Inclusive citation
What does it mean to cite inclusively? How can you use your bibliography and references to challenge accepted ways of thinking and whose voices are included in debates?These resources, put together by Dr Nina Wardleworth, will help you to rethink approaches to gathering and presenting information for your university work with decolonial approaches.
Inclusive citation PowerPoint
Inclusive Citation workshop break out group prompts and responses
Short video from the workshop

Researcher positionality
How do/ should your own life experiences influence your research and writing? How can you reflect on this in your work?
These resources, put together by Dr Nina Wardleworth, will provide you with tools to examine your own positionality and learn how to incorporate your analysis in project work and presentations.
Researcher Positionality PowerPoint
Researcher Positionality workshop break out group prompts and responses
Short video from the workshop