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Ella Barnes, School of English

Ella Barnes, School of English

Migrant identity and nationalism as explored in Mohsin Hamid's novel Exit West (*Content Notes)

I will examine questions of citizenship, migration and nationalism through the lens of Mohsin Hamid's incredible novel Exit West. Hamid imagines a world where migration is universalised through the appearance of doors that act as portals to new countries. Some characters thrive under these fluid conditions, others cling desperately and violently to their 'national identity.' As we have seen in the news of late, the issues of violent nationalism and discrimination against migrants that Hamid rallies so strongly against in his novel are very much present in our own country, right now. Even if you have never read this book, I hope I can outline the ways in which ourselves and our leaders can learn from Exit West's dynamic refugee narrative.
*Content Notes: this presentation discusses terrorist attacks that are perpetrated on refugees

Ella Barnes Profile ShortBA English Literature, Final Year (she/her)
Hi, I'm Ella. I'm from Bury, Greater Manchester. I study English Literature and I am particularly interested in Postcolonial studies. In my spare time, I enjoy playing netball and walking my dog, Luna.