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Lily Mistry, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

Lily Mistry, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

How did the Gibellina community respond to the natural disaster of the 1968 Belice earthquake?

My FYP will be a social anthropological perspective on the town of Gibellina and its community. My FYP will be focusing on the resilience and sense of community in Gibellina post 1968 Belice Earthquake. I have conducted interviews which involved speaking with different age groups within the community and asking for their stances on the community, town economy, impact of art and culture on the town post-earthquake.

Lily Mistry profile photoBA French & Italian, Final Year
I am final year Languages student, studying French and Italian. Last year I went on my Italian year abroad which is where I got the idea for my FYP.