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Niamh Ingram, School of Media and Communication

Niamh Ingram, School of Media and Communication

"I heard this song on my for you page!": The New Era of Music in a Digital Age

The new era of music in a digital age is firmly upon us and this presentation - based on my ongoing final year dissertation - explores the influence of TikTok on a multi-million pound industry. No longer a lip-syncing app for 12 year olds, I will briefly explain the algorithms behind TikTok's operations, the darker side we mightn't see behind the platforms, and wider implications amongst society and the music industry.

Niamh Ingram profile photo BA Digital Media, Final Year

I'm a final year BA Digital Media student who works in the electronic music industry as a journalist, presenter and DJ. I enjoy researching the impact of algorithms, artificial intelligence and platform governance on an industry which I am so immersed in, to help gain a broader understanding of the world around us