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Xristos Minas, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

Xristos Minas, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

'No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here': exploring intergenerational loss, materiality, and spirituality, within wider geological and nucleartime

I will be reading a piece of creative writing which explores my background as a Greek-British dual national, the gaps in my knowledge of my cultural histories, and examines the tension between the two cultures and their different spiritualities. I use this text to weave these objects of mundane, daily life, into wider temporalities, particularly wider geological and nuclear temporalities, and I invoke themes of longing and belonging, permanence and waste, collecting and archiving, to create a narrative that shifts between spiritual and mundane life.

I will also present a short research piece on long-term nuclear waste warning messaging, and outline its significance within wider cultural concerns about language, ‘civilisation’, and waste. I want to draw connections between this specific mode of intergenerational communication, and other intergenerational, historical and cultural narratives.

Xristos MinasBA Fine Art, Final Year (he/him)
I am a fine art student, Greek, queer, British, not always in that order.