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Creating and Curating in a Time of Mass Extinction

LEAP Research Blog

Ibrahim Ince
School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

Creating and Curating in a Time of Mass Extinction, 16.10.2020 
Event with multiple with multiple artists, writers and practitioners

'How will you remember me? How will you put me in a museum?’ 

The research seminar was very cultivating as it incorporated creative, curatorial and eco-critical discourses together to reinforce how environmental issues are affecting all forms of cultural production. One of the most interesting points raised was that hearing the extinction of an animal species in news only presents an objective fact and, hence, only inflicts a rational response; whereas, experiencing this reality through art allows for an emotional response such as sadness and grief. Emotions are necessary for wanting to begin change and, hence, art is necessary for change. Museological concerns about representing global environmental issues were also raised. For most museum visitors, the museum visit is a joyful day-out. Thus, curators must find a careful balance between informing visitors about extinction without making them feel depressed; this is a balance which will need time and trial-error. Recently, Oliver Dowden, UK's Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, has stated that museums must act “impartially,” without ''any actions motivated by activism and politics''. How is it possible to be apolitical when depicting extinction since talking about drivers of environmental issues might mean pointing out who is responsible?

Overall, the event intellectually stimulated me to look for the impact of the environment on the museum and how the museum might impact perspectives of the environment.