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Elizabeth (Lilli) Chung - BA English Literature & Theatre Studies

Photo of Elizabeth ChungHow we create spaces: Hong Kong and the Imaginative Sphere

My presentation will be an investigation into how literature can imagine Hong Kong, particularly in relation to it being a local territory and a global hub. Hong Kong literature is a fairly new field of research and the imaginative sphere interests me greatly. I will look into the use of (strategic) exoticism of people and place as part of an interest in cultural representation, as well as research other ways in which the space and, consequently, the culture is mediated in literature, before presenting some original work which draws on these ideas. 

Hong Kong literature has far less research input compared to other Postcolonial and World Literatures, despite its interest in the colonial and globalised world. This is why I find the field so important and wish to study this further at postgraduate level; the UGRE offers a wonderful opportunity and platform to start this journey whilst presenting to a wider audience.