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FOAR2000 - Student Research Outputs

You will be able to find examples of the fantastic work our students have created over the years of running the FOAR2000 Research Placement module - from exhibitions to heritage trails!

Leeds History of Medicine Trail, Jessica Briggs, Jessica Shaw and Rebecca Tinnion

Leeds and the First World War Heritage Trail, Leeds Heritage Trail - the map, Imogen Graham, Zoe Pike, Alice Savage and Holly Smith

Men Women and Care learning resources, created with with students undertaking an Extended Project Qualification in mind.

World War One Medical Evacuation website designed by Hannah Dent, Samantha Mercer and Kathryn White

WW1 Film series with Hyde Park Picture House, Martha Clowes, Miriella Cooper, Tom Jacob and Alex Paddock
"It makes a nice change from what a normal course would be because we’re not just spending time at the university, we’re able to come here to the Picture House or go off and do research.”

Researching Women Students in WW1, and Winifred Halliday: a centenary for a former Gryphon Editor, Polly Clare-Hudson and Georgiana

Sweepiana, an exhibition of Leeds's Chimney Sweep collections, Natascha Allen-Smith and Jonathan Wright

Arran Boyes talks about his experiences of taking part in the Community Religions in Leeds project

Representing Latin American Indigeneity Online, Mediático, Phoebe Cashman

Catherine Porter, Anna Richardson & Charissa Lim

Catherine Porter, Anna Richardson, Charissa Lim worked for the Leeds Child Development Unit focusing on adjective acquisition, and the relationship between child-directed speech and child speech. They produced FAQs on language development, produced a newsletter and wrote and managed their social media streams at and