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Florian Read - BA German & History

From Communism to Capitalism: The impact of unification on rural East Germany

It is commonly believed that the uphoto of Florian Readnification of the GDR and the FRG was a euphoric moment for the German people. However, over 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, fundamental differences between East and West Germany still exist. The impact of unification has arguably been greater on rural communities than any other part of East German society. Despite this, there has been very little research on post-1989 rural East Germany.

As half of my family originate from the former-GDR, I feel it is important to give a voice to the silenced people of rural East Germany. My presentation will focus on the damage that unification had on economic and social well-being. Promises of a better life were left unfulfilled as many East Germans started to look back on the GDR with increasing fondness.